Synopsis: Tutor Karina Fox is a Small breasted MILF who has a very special routine of teaching her students. Indeed, she has ways to really make the lessons stick with the youngsters. She will teach her stuff by letting them take a crack at her shaved pussy! Yes, you heard correctly. Small breasted MILF Tutor Karina Fox will do anything to have her young students pass their exams and fucking them is her way to go about it.
This young student is also one of the few lucky ones to get a private lesson from the hot small breasted MILF tutor. She will teach him how to get her shaved pussy wet and fullfilled by the time the lesson has ended. Karina Fox will throw in her hot skinny body, small tits and shaved pussy.... all in the name of education. And all of her young students succeed with flying colors.
They all get to know Karina Fox as their own personal MILF Tutor and it's going to be a fucking good time!