Synopsis: Grandma Noretta has young babe Irini Cage over at her home. She carries a bag with her and Granny is curious what's in there. Irina shows her what's inside and to Grandma Noretta's surprise it's filled with sextoys. Young Babe Irina tells her that it's used to get the best climax known to men.
Granny Noretta is intrigued and turned on by this idea and young Irina loves to show her how it's done. She sets one of the pleasing toys right on her own pussy, with granny Noretta watching, and shows her how it works. Grandma Noretta quickly sees the effect it has on Irina and gets turned on by this hot sexy girl playing with her toy right in front of her. The old lady decides to join in and starts touching the young babe, who doesn't mind at all and gets turned on even more.
They both get closer to each other and get ready to teach each other a thing or two. Hot young babe Irina Cage with her knowledge about toys and Grandma Noretta with all of her experience. It turns out to be one very hot afternoon, where pussies get licked, asses get eaten and toys get set to climax.
This wild afternoon is a blast, and this afternoon Granny goes for a young babe!