Synopsis: MILF student Gina Monelli has set her mind to master the English language and has arranged for a private tutor to teach her. When her young tutor Chris arrives, all hot MILF Gina Monelli is craving is his hard dick and to have hot naughty sex with her younger teacher. She immediately throws all of her charmes into play in order to seduce the young blonde tutor with her tight body, perfectly small tits and her naughty ways. And it works! The young man is captivated by this very hot and beautiful MILF and wants to have that naughty cougar around his cock.
They get naked on the sofa and start to kiss and feel each other up, and before you know it she has his hard cock in her mouth! She sucks that dick like crazy and the young tutor is all over his hot MILF student. They fuck all afternoon on her couch. He just can't get enough of her tight body, her shaved pussy and her small tits and is about to explode.
When that happens he shoots his cum all over her perky tits, which shows you that you're never too old to learn!